Design with purpose.

Cathay Pacific Airways

Hong Kong Travel Campaign & eBook.

Cathay Pacific Airways came to us looking for banner ads to help generate business class bookings to Hong Kong. But banner ads alone don’t scratch the surface of telling the story and experience that makes Hong Kong so unique as a city. Research showed this was pretty important as typically, the trip from the US to Hong Kong is quite long, so business travelers are more likely to commit to a premium cost ticket when they see both the flight and destination as worthy experiences.  To help show our target all that was in store for them, we convinced Cathay to let us create an immersive e-Book that brought the sights, sounds, history, experience and daily doings of Hong Kong to life. The book felt more editorial and less advertisement and was put in the Apple and Android stores. Over 100,000 downloads later, the book contributed to a massive spike in business class ticket sales and excellent overall awareness for Cathay.

Cathay Pacific eBook campaign case study video.

Preroll banner designed to push traffic to the Hong Kong Life Well Traveled website where users could view articles and download the full eBook.